
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Cinemania 18 édition / edition 2012

Du 1 au 11 Novembre / From November 1st till 11th  

For last year's coverage: CLICK HERE Pour la couverture de l'année dernière : CLIQUEZ ICI

L’édition de cette année mettra en vedette 35 premières; en plus 4 films réaliser par Claude Miller décédé en Février. Tous les 39 films seront présentés à Cinéma Impérial du 2 Novembre débutant entre 9h et 09:30 avec la projection finale entre 21:00 et 22:30. 31 des films seront projeté deux fois pour un total de 70 séances. Il y aura aussi une rétrospective de 7 films clés dans la carrière de l'actrice et réalisatrice Sandrine Bonaire présenté à la Cinémathèque Québécoise.

This year's edition will feature 35 first; also 4 films directed by Claude Miller who died in February. All 39 films will be presented at Cinéma Impérial from 2 November starting between 9: 00 and 09: 30 with the final screening between 21:00 and 22:30. 31 films will be screened twice for a total of 70 screenings. There is also a retrospective of 7 key films in the career of the actress and director Sandrine Bonaire presented at the Cinémathèque Québécoise.

Évènements / Events:

  1. Hommage à Claude Miller (1942-2012), Cinéaste De L'intime  – Du 2 Au 4 Novembre, Cinéma Impérial  A Tribute to Claude Miller (1942-2012), Filmmaker of the Respondent – from 2 to 4 November, Cinéma Impérial. Sa femme Annie sera présente / His wife Annie will be present.
a)      Thérèse Desqueyroux, France 2012
(Voir ‘Premières’ pour TLS / see ‘Premieres’ for TLS.)
b)      La Meilleure Façon de Marcher / The Best Way to Walk, France 1976, 90m
Un premier long-métrage courageux qui traite la liberté sexuelle et la mesure réelle de la force d’un individu.
A courageous debut feature dealing with sexual freedom and the real measurement of strength in an individual.
c)       Garde À Vue /The Grilling, France 1981, 90m
Un notaire influent est soupçonné d'avoir un comportement inapproprié envers les jeunes filles, mettre en péril sa carrière et son mariage.
An influential notary is suspected of having inappropriate behaviour towards young girls putting both his career and marriage at risk.
d)      L'effrontée / The Hussy, France 1985, 96m
Un drame de passage à l'âge adulte parle d'une fille de 13 ans qui fait face à l'amour, la jalousie et le désenchantement.
A coming of age drama about a 13-year-old girl facing love, jealousy and disenchantment.
e)      L'Accompagnatrice / The Accompanist, France 1992, 111m
Drame de WWII sur 3 personnes – une prima donna, son pianiste et son mari qui luttent pour trouver la liberté à Paris pendant l’occupation Nazie.
WWII drama about 3 individuals – a prima donna, her pianist and her husband struggling to find liberty in Nazi occupied Paris.

  1. Sandrine Bonnaire : Justesse Et Ardeur  – Du 1er Au 7 Novembre, Cinéma Impérial (CI), Cinémathèque Québécoise (CQ)
Sandrine Bonnaire: Integrity and Commitment – from November1 to 7, Imperial Theatre (CI), Cinémathèque Québécoise (CQ)
a)      J'Enrage De Son Absence, Sandrine Bonnaire, France 2012, (CI)
(Voir ‘Premières’ pour TLS / see ‘Premieres’ for TLS.)
b)      Rencontre Avec / Meet with Sandrine Bonnaire
 Évènement Public, Entrée Libre / Public Event, free admission (CI November 7 Novembre @ 04:30pm / 16:30h)
c)       À Nos Amours / To Our Loves, Maurice Pialat, France 1983, 102m  (CQ)
Étude de caractère d'une fille de 15 ans qui s'engage dans la promiscuité, en réaction à sa vie familiale malheureuse.
Character study of a 15-year-old girl who engages in promiscuity in reaction to a miserable home life.
d)      Sans Toit Ni Loi / Vagabond, Agnès Varda, France 1985, 105m (CQ)
Une étude sur l'aliénation, en mettant l'accent sur les derniers jours d'une jeune femme sans abri.
A study on alienation focusing on the last days of a young homeless woman.
e)      Monsieur Hire, Patrice Leconte, France 1989, 81m (CQ)
Un mystère psychologique sur un voisin solitaire, inadaptés et voyeuriste et le meurtre d'une fille locaux.
A psychological mystery about a lonely maladjusted voyeuristic neighbour and the murder of a local girl.
f)       La Captive Du Désert / Captive of the Desert, Raymond Depardon, France 1990, 98m (CQ)
Un récit de l'histoire vraie de Françoise Claustre, une archéologue Française retenue en otages par les Toubous, une tribu du désert Nord-Africain.
An account of the true story of Françoise Claustre, a French archeologist held hostage by the Toubous, a North African desert tribe.
g)      Mademoiselle, Philippe Lioret, France 2000, 85m (CQ)
Un drame romantique d’un doux-amer rencontre inattendue entre 2 personnes apparemment incompatibles et leur prise de conscience des sentiments plus profonds un pour l'autre.
A romantic drama about a bittersweet happenstance encounter between 2 seemingly mismatched people and their awareness of deeper feelings for each other.
h)      Elle S'appelle Sabine / Her Name is Sabine, Sandrine Bonnaire, France 2007, 85m (CQ)
Le premier film de Sandrine Bonnaire est un portrait de Sabine, sa sœur cadette autiste.
Sandrine Bonnaire’s directorial debut is a portrait of Sabine, her autistic younger sister.
i)        Joueuse / Queen to Play, Caroline Bottaro, France 2008, 97m (CQ)
Une femme de chambre d’hôtel dans ses quarantaines développe une obsession inhabituelle avec le jeu d'échecs.
A hotel chambermaid in her 40s develops an uncharacteristic obsession with the game of chess.

  1. (*) Focus Belge – Lundi 5 Novembre, Cinéma Impérial / Belgian Focus – Monday 5 November, Imperial Theatre (Voir ‘Premières’ pour TLS / see ‘Premieres’ for TLS)
a)      Berlin Telegram, Leila Albayaty, Belgique / Belgium, 2012,
b)      Dead Man Talking, Patrick Ridremont, Belgique / Belgium, 2012, 
c)       Mobile Home, François Pirot, Belgique / Belgium, 2012,
d)      Le Sac De Farine, Kadija Leclere, Belgique / Belgium/Maroc / Morocco, 2012,

 Pour plus d'information veuillez consulter / For more information please go to: ou consulter le catalogue / or consult the catalogue

CINEMANIA 2012 Tag line Synopsis [TLS] – un petite résumé des 32 films en primaire cette année (en ordre alphabétique par titre Français.  Pour les films que j'ai pu voir, si le temps le permet, un critique plus élaboré sera attesté. Ils seront sous l’étiqueté  «film box office» et identifiés avec le logo de Cinemania 2012):
Cinemania 2012 Tagline Synopsis [TLS] of the 32 films premiered this year (in alphabetical order by the French title.  For the films that I was able to see, if time permits, a more elaborate review will be posted. They will be labelled as "film box office" and identified with the Cinemania 2012 logo):
{Format / Format – Titre Français / English Title, Réalisateur (Director), Pays (Country), Année (Year), Longueur (Length)}  

Premières (35)

  1. 38 Témoins / One Night, Lucas Belvaux, France Belgique / Belgium 2012, 104m
Une femme retourne  d'un voyage d'affaires à la Chine pour retrouver que sa rue est devenu une scène de crime avec 38 témoins potentiels qui étaient tous endormis.
A woman returns home from a business trip to China to find her street has become a crime scene with 38 potential witnesses who were all asleep.

  1. À Cœur Ouvert / Open Night, Marion Laine, France 2012, 87m
Drame centré sur la relation entre 2 chirurgiens cardiaques.
Drama centering on the relationship between 2 cardiac surgeons.

  1. Alyah / Aliyah, Elie Wajeman, France 2012, 90m
Étude de personnage sur un trafiquant de drogue instruits à un croisement de sa vie; de s’échapper à la voie destructrice de sa vie actuelle et avec son cousin d’ouvrir un bar-restaurant   à Tel-Aviv.
Character study about an educated drug dealer at a crossroad of his life; to escape the destructive path of his current life and along with his cousin to open a restaurant-bar in Tel Aviv.

  1. Associés Contre Le Crime / The Case of the Missing Lady, Pascal Thomas, France 2012, 104m
Une comédie mystère d’Agatha Christie sur une équipe d'enquêteurs de crime époux-épouse résoudre un crime dernier, afin de trouver une riche héritière Russe qui a disparu, avant de prendre leur retrait de la tension de leur profession.
An Agatha Christie mystery comedy about a husband-wife crime investigation team solving one last crime, to find a wealthy Russian heiress who has vanished, before retiring from the tension of their profession.

  1. Au Galop / In a Rush, Louis Do De Lencquesaing, France 2012, 93m
Une comédie romantique sur le classique rencontre inattendu qui perturbe la voie choisie de un.
A romantic comedy on the classic happenstance encounter disrupting one’s chosen path.

  1. Augustine, Alice Winocour, France 2012, 102m
Drame historique sur la passion refoulée et la sexualité féminine d’être réveillé pendant l'ère de la Belle Époque en France des années 1880.
Historical drama about feminine repressed passion and sexuality being awakened during the French Belle Époque era of the 1880s.

  1. *Berlin Telegram, Leila Albayaty, Belgique / Belgium 2012, 80m
Pour récupérer âpres avoir été larguée par son petit ami, un musicien basé en Bruxelles se déplacement à Berlin et se joint à la scène musicale alternative.
To recover after being dumped by her boyfriend, a Brussels based musician relocates to Berlin and joins the alternative music scene.

  1. Les Bien-Aimés / Beloved, Christophe Honoré, France 2012, 135m
Histoire d'amour épique qui couvre les années 1962 à 2007, qui commence à Paris traverse Prague et Londres et retourne à Paris.
Epic love story that spans the years from 1962 to 2007, that begins in Paris passes through Prague and London and returns to Paris.

  1. Ce Que Le Jour Doit À La Nuit / What the day Owes the Night, Alexandre Arcady, France 2012, 159m
Saga historique (couvre les années 1930 aux années 1960) qui explore la double loyauté de beaucoup d'Algériens qui ont grandi en France.
Historical saga (spans the 1930s to the 1960s) that explores the dual loyalties of many Algerians who were raised in France.

  1. La Clinique De L'amour / Sex, Lies and Surgery, Artus De Penguern, France 2012, 83m
Comédie satirique qu'avec le principe simple du «bien contre mal », parodie pratiquement tout c’est-à-dire les soaps opéras télévisée et les drames médicaux.
Satirical comedy that with the simple premise of ‘good versus evil’, parodies practically anything namely television soap operas and medical dramas.

  1. De Rouille Et D'os / Rust and Bone, Jacques Audiard, France Belgique / Belgium 2012, 101m
(Film d'ouverture: 1 Novembre @ 19:30h / Opening Film: November 1st @ 07:30pm)
Un drame sur la nécessité pour l'un de se connecter avec les autres, quand la vie vous frappe avec un coup dévastateur.
A drama about the need for one to connect with others, when life hits you with a devastating blow.

  1. *Dead Man Talking, Patrick Ridremont, Belgique / Belgium 2012, 101m
Le dernier détenu condamné à mort profite d'une échappatoire dans la loi pour tenter de retarder son exécution imminente.
The last inmate on death row takes advantage of a loophole in the law in an attempt to delay his impending execution.

  1. Dernière Séance / Last Screening, Laurent Achard, France 2011, 81m
Un thriller psychologique d'un jeune homme qui travaille comme projectionniste dans un cinéma de quartier par jour et après la projection finale, effectue des rituels sinistres, bizarres et meurtriers.
A psychological thriller about a young man who works as a projectionist in a neighbourhood cinema by day and after the final screening, carries out sinister, bizarre and murderous rituals.

  1. Do Not Disturb, Yvan Attal, France 2012, 88m
Comédie à propos des hommes hétérosexuels s’interrogent sur leur identité sexuelle basée sur le désir pour un autre homme.
Comedy about heterosexual men questioning their sexual identity based on desire for another man.

  1. J'Enrage de Son Absence / Maddened by His Absence, Sandrine Bonnaire, France 2012, 98m
Drame psychologique d'un homme essayant de réparer les dommages causés par une erreur de passé qui finit tragiquement.
Psychological drama about a man trying to repair the damage caused by a past error that ended tragically.

  1. Gebo Et l'Ombre / Gebo and the Shadow, Manoel De Oliveira, France/ Portugal 2012, 91m
Lorsqu'un fils prodigue revient après une absence de 8 ans, le véritable motif de son départ menace l'honneur familial.
When a prodigal son returns after an 8 year absence, the real reason for his departure threatens the family honour.

  1. L'hiver Dernier / Last Winter, John Shank, France/Belgique / Belgium 2012, 103m
Un drame sur les difficultés dans le maintien de la ferme familiale dans les temps qui changent.
A drama about the difficulties in maintaining the family farm in changing times.

  1. L'homme Qui Rit / The Man Who Laughs, Jean-Pierre Améris, France/République Tchèque / Czech Republic 2012, 95m
(Film De Clôture11 Novembre @ 20:30h / Closing Film: November 11 @ 08:30pm)
Drame humain au sujet d'un homme marqué dès la naissance avec une cicatrice qui ressemble à un sourire.
Human drama about a man scarred from birth with a scar that resembles a smile.

  1. Louise Wimmer, Cyril Mennegun, France 2012, 80m
Drame social urbaine sur une femme avec maigres moyens qui luttent pour survivre et garder sa dignité.
Urban social drama about a woman with meagre means struggling to survive and maintain her dignity.

  1. Love and Bruises, Lou Ye, France 2011, 105m
Drame qui met la passion, le sexe, la violence, l’amour, la luxure, la race et le statut socio-économique sous un microscope.
Drama that puts passion, sex, violence, love, lust, race and socio-economic status under a microscope.

  1. Madame Solario, René Féret, France 2012, 93m
Film d’époque sur une jolie femme aristocratique avec un passé scandaleux.
Period piece about an attractive aristocratic woman with a scandalous past.

  1. Mains Armées / Armed Hands, Pierre Jolivet, France 2012, 105m
Drame policier qui enquête sur la corruption, la moralité, le trafic d'armes et les stupéfiants. Police drama that investigates corruption, morality, arms trafficking and narcotics.

  1. *Mobile Home, François Pirot, Belgique / Belgium, 2012,97m
Un «road-movie» où les voyageurs restent stationnaires.
A ‘road-movie’ where the travellers remain stationary.

  1. Les Nuits Avec Théodore / Nights with Theodore, Sébastien Betbeder, France 2012, 67m
Un conte de deux amants maudits qui passent leurs nuits ensemble dans le légendaire Parc des Buttes-Chaumont de Paris.
A tale of star-crossed lovers who spend their nights together in Paris’ fabled Parc des Buttes-Chaumont.

  1. Ombline, Stéphane Cazes, France/Belgique / Belgium, 2012, 95m
Drame sur une jeune femme, emprisonnée pour agression, dans une lutte désespérée pour convaincre un juge que la maternité l’a transformé.
Drama about a young woman, imprisoned for aggravated assault, in a desperate struggle to convince a judge that motherhood has transformed her.

  1. L'Ordre et la Morale / Rebellion, Mathieu Kassovitz, France 2012, 136m
La moralité et l’ordre public sont examinés dans ce récit des efforts de la France pour réprimer l'insurrection violente en Avril 1988, quand la tribu Kanak a exigé l'indépendance de Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Morality and public order are examined in this recounting of France’s efforts to quell the violent insurrection in April 1988 when the Kanak tribe demanded the independence of New Caledonia.

  1. Parlez-Moi De Vous /On Air, Pierre Pinaud, France 2012, 89m
Comédie dramatique d’une animatrice, âgée de 40 ans, d’une émission radiophonique a ligne ouverte à succès, qui résout les problèmes des autres «en ligne» mais elle est incapable de résoudre les siennes.
Comedy-drama about a successful 40-year-old call-in radio show host who resolves other people’s problems ‘on air’ but is unable to resolve her own.

  1. Possessions / Greed, Éric Guirado, France 2012, 98m
Ce thriller psychologique est une étude de la nature humaine, de comment la jalousie et l'envie se développe en frustration et amertume, finalement sombrer dans l'horreur.
This psychological thriller is a study into human nature, of how jealousy and envy grows into frustration and bitterness, ultimately descending into horror.

  1. Renoir, Gilles Bourdos, France 2012, 111m
Drame biographique de la relation entre le peintre Français Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) et  sa dernière muse Andrée et comment ceci a inspiré son fils Jean Renoir (1894-1979) de devenir l'un des plus grands réalisateurs de cinéma de France.
Biographical drama of the relationship between French painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) and his last muse Andrée and how that inspired his son Jean Renoir (1894-1979) to become one of France’s greatest film directors.

  1. *Le Sac De Farine / The Bag of Flour, Kadija Leclere, Belgique / Belgium / Maroc / Morocco 2012, 100m
L'histoire d'une jeune fille orpheline enlevées dans une institution Catholique en Belgique et emmener au Maroc et par la suite abandonné.
The story of a young orphaned girl kidnapped from a Catholic institution in Belgium and taken to Morocco and subsequently abandoned.

  1. Superstar, Xavier Giannoli, France 2012, 112m
Un célibataire quarantenaire indéfinissable, sans ambition deviens, inexplicablement, une célébrité immédiat.
A nondescript, un-ambitious, middle-aged bachelor inexplicably becomes an overnight celebrity.

  1. Thérèse Desqueyroux, Claude Miller, France 2012, 110m
(Présentation Spéciale / Special Presentation)
Une féministe des années 1920 dans les forêts de pins du sud de la France, aspire à s’échapper   l'emprisonnement de son mariage arrangé et l'étouffement de la pensée bornée provinciale enfin de jouir de la liberté à Paris.
A feminist of the 1920s in the pine forests of Southern France yearns to escape the imprisonment of her arranged marriage and the suffocation of narrow-minded provincial thinking in order to enjoy freedom in Paris.

  1. Trois Mondes / Three Worlds, Catherine Corsini, France 2012, 100m
Une pièce de théâtre moral sur la culpabilité et l'expiation comme la vie de 3 personnes sont réunies en raison d'un seul accident tragique.
Morality play about guilt and atonement as the lives of 3 individuals are brought together due to a single tragic accident.

  1. Une Estonienne À Paris / A Lady in Paris, Ilmar Raag, France / Belgique / Belgium / Estonie /Estonia, 2012, 94m
Une femme Estonienne émigre à Paris pour s'occuper de l'octogénaire qui a quitté l'Estonie dans les années 1930.
An Estonian woman immigrates to Paris to care for an octogenarian who left Estonia in the 1930s.

  1. Voie Rapide / Freeway, Christophe Sahr, France 2012, 90m
Un drame psychologique d'un jeune homme ravagé par la culpabilité et la peur après un accident fatal où il tue l'autre et s'enfuit.
A psychological drama about a young man ravaged by guilt and fear after a fatal accident where he kills the other and runs away.

[* Focus Belge 4 films – seulement 1 séance chacun / Belgian Focus – 4 films – only 1 screening each]


Sunday, 28 October 2012

Greek Film Festival Presents a Remarkable Program

Documentaries proved most impressive
by Nancy Snipper
The 2012 Greek Film Festival (October 25th - November 03rd) is offering an award-winning program in its fourth year to the delight of the Montreal public. Features, such as these classics - Electra, Stella, Mediterraneo and Medea, are drawing in the crowds as are new films, such as J.A.C.E., and Dos. Avra Georgiou the Director and Programmer for this successful event has selected a diverse collection of films – old and new, and the fact that documentaries are part of the program makes the festival all the more diverse and important.

Encardia, the Dancing Soul, (directed by Angelos Kovotsos) brings the ‘griko’ language back to life as a group of Greek musicians travel to Southern Italy to connect with other musicians, researchers and folk who once spoke this poetic dialect with Italian words. Griko is rooted in ancient Greek.  

The Antikythera Mechanism (directed by Mike Beckham) - another interesting documentary reveals to the world a computer designed to calculate astronomical positions 2000 years ago. By chance, fishermen had pulled it up from a wreck over 100 years ago, but it wasn’t until 1978 that its true significance was understood, thanks to the initial efforts of Jacques-Yves Cousteau who visited the wreck at that time. Kythera, the birth place of Aphrodite, and now populated by an inordinate number of Australians is a tiny little island that I once visited while living in Crete. It is enchanting and seems to hold a thousand secrets – one of which is revealed in this film (Antikythera is right near Kythera).

Engaging for all filmmakers was the film Cineastes (directed by Menelaos Karamaghiolis). This documentary gives the great filmmaker and champion for the undiscovered ones – Pierre Rissient his due. This man was responsible for not only making great films but for bringing to light the works of a young Quentin Tartantino, Abas Kiarastami, and many icons, including for Clint Eastwood. A young obsessive film student holds the camera up to these major veteran players, revealing their invaluable input, wisdom about filmmaking and the risks they all took to follow their love of film.
                                                                   Pierre Rissient

As a musician and lover of Crete, the film that grabbed my attention was Wandering Soul (directed by Angeliki Aristomenopaulo). Yiannis Angelakas, a Cretan rock musician who follows no drum but his own, works with other maverick musicians to create a new kind of sound and voice for all freedom fighters. He rejects notion of marketing, fame and selling out in favour of his gypsy-like tendencies to create spontaneously and perform where the spirit takes him. His lyrics and thoughts seem to conjure up the great philosophers of old. He is a true Cretan. One of the best scenes takes place in an old ruin where the musicians and some friends gather and huddle inside. It’s big enough to make a fire in. Until the wee hours of the night, they all sing old Cretan songs together and drink raki. Is this not how life should be?
The sounds of rembetiko, and the polyphonic haunting music of Epirus fittingly end this film as the final scene brings them all together in that small stone ruin. The music they make there echoes a way of life that is rapidly disappearing. Greece’s heroes not only reside in the pantheon of Gods.
                                                                    Yannis Angelakas

One real-life hero - a legend within this country’s historical context was Eleftherios Venizelos (1864-1936).
If you wish to understand how Greece got its freedom, you must attend this 3 hour classic, Eleftherios Venizelos:1910-1927 (directed by Pantelis Voulgaris). To this day, this iconic Greek hero remains in the hearts and minds of all Greeks. A man who sacrificed it all on behalf of his county, Venizelos is credited with being ‘The Father of Modern Greece’. No matter turmoil Greece endures, this astounding country will always rise up against the yoke of any kind of tyranny.




Sunday, 21 October 2012

The Agony of the Artistic Temperament

                                                    by Nancy Snipper

Have you ever been told you have an artistic temperament?

                              Vincent Van Gogh, Schumann, Beethoven and poet, Sylvia Plath (top to bottom).
Is this a compliment or a softly delivered insult? I can remember being told by my mother that I was different, that I didn’t see the world as others did, that writing poetry at the age of nine was not an activity most pursued with élan, even if it would earn you a gold star from your teacher.
The fact is, I was kind of a word nerd, a dreamy escapist who felt my way as the only way, and the condition worsened when I discovered Herman and the Hermits. Great! Now I could travel across the Mercy, get inspired write poetry and then put the words to music. I could become a lyric goddess, inspired by the water under the ferry I was riding!
My imagination seemed to control most of my life. Even when I had my tonsils out, I woke up and began writing a poem about darkness. Heavens to Betsy, what was happening to me?
One day when my turtle died and I cried for a week, my mother sat down to explain that I had an artistic temperament. I felt rather happy to hear this, because I didn’t understand what this meant, but I found the phrase to be poetically pleasing to the ear. I immediately began writing little verses whose words rhymed with ‘ment’ – ‘bent’, ‘lent’ and ‘sent ‘could fit nicely into a 4-line verse. Then I became really excited with the word ’resent’. It was secretly aimed at people in my teens who did not accept my ‘artistic temperament’.
Later on in life, I began to see that I was overly sensitive to people’s joking about me. In fact, I was an emotional dragon, spewing out invectives against the world in my poetry and the world.not even a diva. I had achieved nothing, so there was no justification for that title. I just had a lot of ideas that wanted to be expressed in poetry and music.
Now decades later, I am proud to say I no longer have that artistic temperament, where the universe where my feelings and thoughts were all that mattered.
Working with other artists as an interviewer and collaborator on projects I began to see that some artists lack a connection to the real humdrum very necessary aspects to daily living. Many of the people I interviewed seemed to live in an altered state and in a different reality from the one I and most other face every day. Getting up, feeling aches and pains, going to work, struggling with traffic, getting annoyed by a co-worker who did not want to do his fair share of a teaching project, even feeling bored and turning on the sleep tube (TV).
So what was it that changed me?
Maturity I hope, and the fascination I have with others rather than myself as a writer, observation is tantamount to the craft. Meeting a new person or catching up with a friend you haven’t seen for a while is like unwrapping a new gift - surprises galore. Everyone is an exclusive package, and even if they have that artistic temperament which to me translates as picky-picky, inability to laugh at one’s weakness, sensitive to every comment made or dodgy in responsibility (this may not be your take on the term), I find this über fascinating.
Take the composer Mahler: he totally disallowed his wife to pursue her musical career as a composer. He insisted that she must remain subservient to him and that, as his muse, her role was to be present and supportive of his moods. He guarded his artistic temperament, putting his creativity above his marriage.
Plato said that artistic temperament is divine madness. Freud called it a dark angel of destruction. Psychiatrists have noted that many great artists suffer from a deep neurosis that can result in self destructive behavior: Vincent Van Gogh, Schumann, Beethoven and poet, Sylvia Plath.
                                                                     Sigmund Freud
An artistic temperament can work for you though. It is the driving force behind all those obsessive creative ideas that won’t leave you alone until you make them real. So next time someone tells you that you have an AT, say thank you and get on with that new thing you want to bring to life.

 Also posted on / Aussi attesté sur: Matters of Personal Interest