
Monday, 28 February 2011

Poems about Greece by Nancy Snipper

Greece on Fire
Beautiful rugged Greece. I mourn for you as your bushes, flowers and the other infinite formidable formations of your unbridled nature - now made fragile - are swallowed up in the hell fires of angry gods.
Beloved Crete: may your soul be quenched by your hundred natural sources of silken mountain waters to forever drown the crimson demon of fire raging across your eternal terrain like a rapacious warrior,
 leaving your land scarred in blood-drip.

Epoca to Greece

And then came the strangers,
Byzantine monsters with huge mustaches spiraling upwards to unblinking black eyes.
Men madly popping up churches with mushroom-capped roofs,
chirping away to people who had no cotton batten to put in their ears,
chomping and chirping while chipping away at the gods of Greece
finally producing unrecognizable pieces of marble.
Strewn bits of bodies unto the earth
 like ashes after the cremation
      all gone

Still, the temple,
less pagan than the untiring Turk, cannot be defied,
This structure is sky-struck
as each grain, pebble, rock of marble
  Climbs up
                                      into the blue
Hitting through the barrier of silence…


No song, no prayer, no chorus of 1000
harmonious voices can ever sing praise to her
beauty and grace in a true, honest way.
So, one must be content to say, or speak

             that her sleek symmetrical archways frame vistas of green

                that her strong climbing columns are uncannily serene

                   that her smooth solid steps are precise and cut clean

                          that a delicate majesty in form can be seen

Golden and always there,
She rests like a lord unto the hill
                                                           Never to be forgotten.


The collision of memories I have about Greece 
Beautiful stallion, honey doll - your sweet silken waves fall  
like a young woman’s hair entwining me. 
Each golden lock lightens my darkness with Aphrodite magic. 

My body is given over to your Goddess embrace.
Beyond celestial regions   
I am floating above Apollo’s temple.  

I hear sounds that softly envelop me, 
and all my senses are weeping with joy. 
Oh sweet lyre, lead me into the reverie of dreams.  

Caress me!
Hold me!  
Take my all and suck me up into rapturous awe,  
and do it with the strength of Poseidon!  

Oh my beloved Greece,
Oh my most sensual of lovers,  
How I miss you!  
I have never had a lover that compares to you.


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