
Saturday, 16 May 2015

Ilam: Le Début d’une Grande Aventure

Ilam: The Beginning of a Great Adventure

Vendredi 15 Mai au Théâtre Rialto (5723 Avenue du Parc, Montréal, QC H2V 4G9, Canada) à la salle Piccolo  
 Friday May 15 at the Rialto Theatre (5723 Avenue du Parc, Montréal, QC H2V 4G9, Canada) in the Piccolo hall

Ilam est né à Dakar, au Sénégal dans une famille noble et savante. Il a commencé sa carrière en 2005 avec Beneen Squad, un groupe Afro-hip-hop basé à Dakar. Bien qu'ayant récemment installé à Montréal, il a déjà remporté de nombreux prix, dont "Favorite du public» et «Favoris de l’Équipe Spectra» à la «4e Vitrine des Musiques Métissées Locales (2014)", un concours de Montréal et de vitrine
Sa musique, qui est un mélange rythmique infectieuse du reggae, du blues et de l’Afro-folk, fournit le meilleur remède pour revivre l'esprit et le corps fatigué. Sa voix est riche, dynamique et envoûtante et évoque la profondeur et la puissance d'un peuple nomade. Dans la vraie nature de ces gens, il a déjà absorbé les sons de sa terre d'adoption dans son répertoire éclectique. Youssou N'Dour réncontre Geoffrey Oreyema avec une pincée de Nouveau Monde afin d’ajouter du piquant à ce délice auditif. Malheureusement l'acoustique de la salle ne lui rendent pas justice.

Ilam was born in Dakar, Senegal into a noble and scholarly family. He began his career in 2005 with the Dakar based Afro-hip-hop group Beneen Squad. Though having only recently settled in Montreal, he has already garnered many awards including “Public's Favorite" and "Équipe Spectra's Favorite” at the "4th Vitrine des Musiques Locales Métissées (2014)", a Montreal contest and showcase.
His music, which is an infectious rhythmic blend of reggae, blues and Afro-folk, provides the best remedy to revive a tired spirit and body.  His voice is rich, vibrant and bewitching and evokes the depth and power of a nomadic people. In the true nature of these people, he has already absorbed the sounds of his adopted land into his eclectic repertoire. Youssou N’Dour meets Geoffrey Oreyema with a dash of new world to add spice to this auditory delight. Unfortunately the hall’s acoustics did not do him justice.

Nancy Snipper’s Review:

Ilam is great!

Last night’s concert featured the astounding vocals of Ilam. It was his first solo concert since arriving in Montréal a year ago. His songs steeped in African rhythms with mixed stylistic genres, including blues and folk, beautifully displayed a great range of styles. The band was outstanding. Singing in Wolof language, Ilam gave us the love songs – “Di la Wo”, “Amadou” and “Deuk Ba”. His second song in the Bombara language of Mali. “Diarabi” which means woman – was so tenderly presented. In all 15 songs made up the program.  I loved his song, “Tiss”, about injustice in Senegal.
Hailing from the nomadic Fulani tribe, Ilam is a rare treasure. Senegal beats, reggae coolness, and dance hall type jives, got everyone moving on the dance floor. Over 300 people came to hear this African artist. He has built up an incredible fan base in Montréal, and if you listen to him sing, you’ll know why. The opening band, Lucking Keys also was a treat.

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