Saturday, 22 October 2011

Der Brand / The Fire / Le Feu von / by / par Brigitte Maria Bertele

{Reviewed by Nancy Snipper} 
Probably one of the best films on rape and legal indifference to this often ignored crime. It brilliantly shows what happens when innocence comes up against covert evil intentions. A woman meets a dashing dancer at a tango club. He walks her home, but she never makes it there in one piece. She is raped. Despite lawyers' rejecting her accusation, she finds a way to eke out her own revenge. It entails purposely getting beaten up by her rapist so that the legal system will wake up and take seriously charges pressed against him by her. Even her boyfriend loses interest in the devastation she has suffered. Her spiral down into depression is dramatically portrayed and is most impressive. Her rapist is a doctor, and it is his wife she befriends to get under his skin.

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