Sunday 28 April 2013

L’Atelier d’Argentine


An exciting menu and with music to match
by Nancy Snipper

Chef Natalia Machado
Chef Natalia Machado is Argentina’s ‘preciosa’. She’s a VIP cuisine wiz who’s snagged top honours in two international TV reality chef shows, has dazzled diners in Industria Argentina Restaurant in New York for over twelve years, which resulted in a big beyond-the border buzz – so much so that Montreal’s trendiest,  L’Atelier d’Argentine convinced her to head its kitchen in Old Montreal. Since January, she’s been cooking up exciting dishes whose delicious tastes put the accent in contemporary Argentine cuisine.  
“Give me great ingredients and great food comes out of it,” says this talented chef whose ease and confidence is as refreshing as her philosophy: “I use simple ingredients, fresh produce and seasoning, slow cook them in a certain way to bring them back to life.”              
I had the great pleasure to enjoy several of her dishes while soaking up the incredible atmosphere that is totally exciting and warm. The interior is like a prism of space-age elegance with atrium glass wall curves, marble counters, leather chairs a stone fireplace, super cool ceiling lighting with sensuous-shaped bulbs hanging from cork and steel round bases, and  floor to ceiling glass which brought before you the beauty of Old Montreal. 
 I have to admit the fun evening was enhanced by the live music of Drum Addiction - a unique ensemble of talents who will be playing on weekends so, do check them out. The group features singer, Leticia Manfil and DJ - Pablo Guadalupe.

Both are drummers, but at L’Atelier they are going for the smooth international style. Leticia’s voice is a mix of Sade (whom she sung), Roberta Flack (whom she also sung), and Alicia Keys. She’s stunning to watch and hugs anyone in sight. Pablo spinned out eclectic easy-on-the nerves- music that included tango electric vibes, the Bossa nova beats of Gilberto Gil, and the crooning voice of American jazz vocalist, Kevin Mahogany. On keyboard was Ignacio Villaverde who just happens to be married to ‘la Preciosa Natalia’. If music be the food of love, play on!   
My companion and I ordered a six-course meal that started with three different appetizers. I fell head over heels in love with the buñelo de espinaca – spinach and fontina cheese fritters with roasted garlic mustard. The soft texture and taste were heavenly.
Then sitting on a long white plate I spied a series of mini empanadas; each offered a different filling:  first, there was cheese, then came a corn goodie; another tasty delight consisted of hand carved beef with spring onion and smoked paprika; and finally, smoked ham with bacon and provolone ended my affair with empanadas.   
The tatin de tomates which featured fresh beef tomato, mozzarella, black olive, and basil oil was not my favourite, but my companion adored it. Maybe it was that big juicy tomato sitting sensually over a perfectly shaped roundel of cheese that excited his taste buds.
For the main course, he ordered the brotola – roasted garlic hake with purple potatoes and bell pepper escabeche. It was so tender and juicy (I had a piece). Did I mention that colour seems to really dazzle the senses too, as each plate served to us featured a great dish with colour being in the presentation from green to white to red and now purple. It was a sensuous feed indeed. While my companion was feasting on eh fish, I was yumming it up over my incredibly perfect grilled rib eye steak. I dipped it in the two sauces on the side: chimichurri and salsa corolla. Wow! That chimichurri is to Argentina what ketchup is to North Americans, but the latter is a taste of fresh heaven. It consists of parsley, garlic, red bell peppers and red wine vinegar mixed with the Machado magic.  
We ended our feast with the dessert: pamquques - dulce de leche with a delicate small oozing caramel and cooked banana.  
It must be mentioned that the sommelier, Alexandre Rioux paired every one of our dishes with wines that from the first sip thrilled us: I adored the 2011 Chardonnay, Vida Organica from Mendoza (west of Buenos Aires bordering Chili). It was so light and perfect, as was the 2012 Fabre Montmayou made from Torrontes, the most popular white grape grown in Argentina. The wine kept coming, including a 2012 Malbec from San Juan from the Graffign Winery. It was the most perfect gentle red wine I had ever tasted. Alexandre sure knows what to serve, and happily each wine poured was light and devoid of dryness or heaviness. I went ecstatic over an incredible wine served at dessert, but I’ll keep that one a secret. Just ask Alexandre for that nutty flavoured white wine that comes in a slim bottle. It offered the nicest taste I had ever savoured, similar to the dessert wine of Samos Greece, but far superior - exquisiteness like liquid silk falling on your tongue.


If you think that Argentine food is about roasting meat in the campo, you seriously need to go to L’Atelier d’Argentine. The whole evening was a sensual dream that transported me to the country itself. Make your reservation by calling (514) 2873362. The location is 355 Marguerite-d’Youville, Vieux-Montreal. The website is


Friday 26 April 2013

Imago Theatre presents / Imago Théâtre présente Thinking of YU

 Written by   / Écrit par Carole Fréchette; Translated by / Traduit par John Murrell;  
Directed by / Mise-en-scène par Micheline Chevrier 
Featuring / Mettant-en-vedette: Danielle Desormeaux as / comme Maggie, Shiong-En Chan as / comme Lin, Kwasi Songui as / comme Jerry   

From Wednesday April 24 till Sunday May 5, 2013 at the Centaur Theatre (453 St. François-Xavier)  
Wednesday to Saturday at 8:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday matinee at 2:30pm. 
Du Mercredi 24 Avril jusqu'au Dimanche 5 Mai 2013 au Théâtre Centaur (453 Saint-François-Xavier) Mercredi au Samedi à 20:30, matinée le Samedi et Dimanche à 14:30.  

 Maggie has just returned to the big city from Inuvik, above the Arctic Circle. Surrounded by boxes, she sets about translating a commissioned project. But she becomes fixated when she reads a short article about the release of Yu Dongyue, who along with his friends Lu Decheng and Yu Zhijian was imprisoned for 17 years for having defaced a portrait of Mao during the Tiananmen Square student protests in 1989. Due to multiple beatings during his incarceration, Yu was now mentally disabled. Maggie’s obsessive research is interrupted by Lin, a 21-year-old Chinese student who wants to perfect her use of tenses in the English language and Jerry, a lonely single father of a handicapped son. Jerry delivers a package that was put in his mailbox by mistake and becomes intrigued by Maggie. As the 3 interact more and more with each other, a dialog ensues asking the question of its impact upon Chinese society and was it worth the sacrifice. Can one individual really change the world?  The dialogue unleashes long buried emotions in all 3 as they ponder the implications in their own lives when they have come face-to-face with the need to take responsibility and face the challenge of change with bravery and hope. Excellent performances with engaging and meaningful dialogue; shows that all of us are part of a whole – no man is an island – past, present and future – all is linked one to the other.    

Photographer / Photographe: Ricardo Cellere    
 Maggie vient de retourner à la grande ville d'Inuvik, au dessus du cercle Arctique. Entouré de boîtes,  elle se met à la traduction d’un projet commandé. Mais elle devient obsédée quand elle lit un court article sur la libération de Yu Dongyue, qui, avec ses amis Lu Decheng et Yu Zhijian, a été emprisonné pour 17 ans pour avoir défiguré un portrait de Mao pendant les manifestations étudiantes de la place Tiananmen en 1989. En raison de multiples raclées reçu pendant son incarcération, Yu était maintenant mentalement handicapé. La recherche obsessionnelle de Maggie est interrompue par Lin, un étudiant Chinois de 21 ans qui veut perfectionner  son emploi du temps dans la langue Anglaise et de Jerry, un père célibataire solitaire d'un fils handicapé. Jerry délivre un paquet qui a été mis par erreur dans sa boîte à lettres et devient intrigué par Maggie. Comme les 3 interagissent de plus en plus les uns avec les autres, un dialogue s'ensuit se poser la question de son impact sur la société Chinoise et cela valait le sacrifice. Est ce qu’un individu peut vraiment changer le monde? Le dialogue déchaîne les émotions longtemps enfouies dans les 3 car ils méditer sur les conséquences dans leur vie quand ils sont venus en face à face avec la nécessité de prendre en charge et faire face au défi du changement avec courage et espoir. Excellentes performances avec un dialogue engageant et significatif; montre que nous sommes tous partie d'un tout – aucun homme n'est qu'une île – le passé, le présent et le futur – tous est liée d’un à l'autre.   

Sunday 21 April 2013

Émilie par / by Guillaume Lonergan

Émilie est un projet novateur par lequel le récit déroule à l'aide de multiples plateformes – Transmédia. Il s’agit  d’une comédie romantique concernant 4 hommes en lice pour l'attention d'une femme et aborde le thème de surmonter l'infidélité, que ce soit réel ou perçu.  Émilie (Émilie Bibeau) est une belle femme par lequel chaque homme dans sa vie tombe facilement sous son charme séduisant.  
Émilie is an innovative project whereby the narrative unfolds using multiple platforms – Transmedia. It is a romantic comedy about 4 men vying for the attention of one woman and addresses the theme of overcoming infidelity whether it is real or perceived.  Émilie (Émilie Bibeau) is a beautiful woman whereby every man in her life falls easily under her seductive charm.


Le projet a dévoilé en 3 étapes / The project has unfolded in 3 steps:    
1)      Taxi Apollon  Justin Apollon (Didier Lucien), un chauffeur de taxi, devient un messager d’amour.   Des le 4 Février 2013.

Cab driver Justin Apollon (Didier Lucien) becomes a messenger of love. From February 4th 2013.    
2)      4 courts-métrages interactives (chaque épisode d’une durée de 15 à 20 minutes) racontant l'histoire du point de vue de chacun des hommes dans la vie d'Émilie: Jeff (Guillaume Perreault; 28 Février), Mathieu (Patrick Drolet; 14 Mars), Patrick (Patrick Hivon; 28 Mars) et Bruno (Jean-François Nadeau; 11 Avril).  
4 interactive shorts (each episode 15 to 20 minutes long) recounting the story from the point of view of each of the men in Émilie’s life: Jeff (Guillaume Perreault; February 28), Mathieu (Patrick Drolet; March 14), Patrick (Patrick Hivon; March 28) and Bruno (Jean-François Nadeau; April 11). 
3)      Le Film – sort le 19 Avril / Film – opens April 19th. 


Émilie et Bruno, son petit ami actuel, ont un jour avant leur départ de Montréal afin de commencer une nouvelle vie au Maroc. En ce jour, ils veulent dire au revoir à leurs parents et leur amis et de se marier au Palais de Justice. À la fête d'adieu avec des amis la nuit précédente, Jeff supplie Émilie de quitter Bruno de et de revenir à lui. Mathieu est le meilleur ami d'Émilie depuis plus de 15 ans et il est secrètement amoureux d'elle. Le départ éminent d’Émilie avec Bruno pour le Maroc est un cauchemar pour lui et il emploie des méthodes Machiavéliques afin d'empêcher qu’elle quitter et de la convaincre de rester avec lui. Lors de la soirée, il prend une photo d'Émilie et Jeff s'embrasser et l’envoie à Bruno. 
Émilie se réveille le lendemain matin dans l'appartement de Jeff. Bruno est furieux, prends ses valises et rompe avec elle. Patrick, le premier copain d’Émilie, est informé de ceci par Mathieu. Il quitte sa petite amie qui est enceinte et prend un taxi (Apollon) enfin d'épouser Émilie. Jeff est aussi en route afin conquérir son cœur. Tous les trois hommes veulent saisir cette occasion pour être avec « l'amour de leur vie. »  Pendant ce temps, Émilie est 'au-delà elle' pour savoir quoi dire a ses parents et ceux de Bruno et de lui convaincre que rien n'est arrivé et qu'il est l'homme de sa vie. Tous les hommes s'engager dans une trajectoire de collision d’un avec les autres dans leur quête d'Émilie.             
Une comédie éclaté et très drôle qui est bien écrit et bien exécuté avec des interprétations merveilleux des 5 comédiens principaux et la distribution secondaire.


Émilie and her current boyfriend Bruno have one day before they depart Montreal in order to start a new life in Morocco. On this day, they want to say goodbye to their parents and friends and to get married at the Courthouse. At the farewell party with friends the night before, Jeff begs Émilie to leave Bruno and come back to him. Mathieu has been Émilie’s best friend for over 15 years and has been secretly in love with her. Her eminent departure with Bruno for Morocco is a nightmare for him and he employs Machiavellian methods in order to stop her from leaving and to convince her to stay with him. During the party he takes a photo of Émilie and Jeff kissing  and sends it to Bruno. 
Émilie wakes up the next morning in Jeff’s apartment. Bruno is livid, packs his bags and breaks off with her. Émilie’s first boyfriend, Patrick is informed of this by Mathieu. He leaves his pregnant girlfriend and grabs a taxi (Apollon) in order to marry Émilie. Jeff is also on his way in order to conquer her heart. All 3 men want to take this opportunity to be with ‘the love of their life.’  Meanwhile, Émilie is ‘beyond herself’ as to what to tell hers and Bruno’s parents and to try and convince him that nothing happened and that he is the man of her life. All of the men embark upon a collision course with each other in their pursuit of Émilie.  
An explosive and very funny comedy  that is well-written and executed with wonderful performances from the 5 principle actors and the supporting cast. 


Thursday 18 April 2013

Closer by / par Patrick Marber

Presented by RAW Productions; at Mainline Theatre (3997 St Laurent Montreal) from April 17 till 27 2013. 
Présenté par RAW Productions; au Théâtre Mainline (3997 St Laurent Montréal) du 17 au 27 Avril  2013.  
Directed by / Mise en scéne par Alex Goldrich 
Cast (in order of appearance) / Distribution (par ordre d'apparition):  
Karine Kerr as / comme Alice (stripper / strip-teaseuse)  
Lucas Chartier-Dessert as / comme Dan (obituary writer/ écrivain nécrologique)
Stephanie Coco-Palermo as / comme Anna (photographer / photographe)
Alex Gravenstein as / comme Larry (doctor / médecin)  
A modern-day romance centering on the lives of 4 tortured souls whose chance encounters 
with each other lead to a lover’s quartet involving betrayal, lies and dependency.  
 When Alice gets hit by a cab driver, Dan brings her to the hospital and she is treated by Larry. 18 months later, they (Alice and Dan) are a couple. Dan has written a novel inspired by Alice. Anna is the photographer for the cover of his book. Dan is infatuated with Anna and pursues her. She resists despite an attraction for Dan. In an Internet chat room Dan, pretending to be Anna, arranges to meet with Larry the next day. Larry shows up at the meeting place, and coincidently, so does the real Anna. 
 Over the course of the next 4 and one-half years a complex relationship develops between our 4 antagonists as each one struggles to achieve a level of intimacy that seems to be close at hand but is inevitably inaccessible.
A dense plot that is a little long in parts with performances that are just barely acceptable creating characters  that are not entirely engaging. Yet the piece does succeed in portraying a stinging look at the complexities involved in today’s relationships.   
Une romance moderne centrée sur la vie des 4 âmes torturées, dont les rencontres fortuites les uns avec les autres conduise à un Quatuor amoureuse impliquant la trahison, le mensonge et la dépendance. 
Quand Alice se fait frapper par un chauffeur de taxi, Dan lui apporte à l'hôpital et elle est traitée par Larry. 18 mois plus tard, ils sont un couple. Dan a écrit un roman inspiré par Alice. Anna est le photographe pour la  couverture de son livre. Dan est entiché avec Anna et la poursuit. Elle résiste malgré une attraction pour Dan. Dans une salle de discussion en ligne Dan, se faisant passer pour Anna, s'arrange pour rencontrer Larry le lendemain. Larry se présente sur le lieu de rencontre, et par hasard la vraie Anna.
Au cours des prochaines années 4 et demi, une relation complexe se développe entre nos 4 antagonistes comme chacun d’eux se bat pour réaliser un niveau d'intimité qui semble être à portée de main, mais est inévitablement inaccessible. 
Une intrigue dense qui est un peu long en certaines parties avec des performances qui sont à peine acceptables créantdes personnages pas tout à fait engageant. Pourtant, la pièce réussità dépeindre un regard piquant sur les complexités impliquées dans les relations d'aujourd'hui.  

For more information please visit / Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter 
or contact / ou contactez: 514-849-3378 or / ou  


Tuesday 16 April 2013

Hooke, Brandt and Bowen – The Deadly Nightshades:


Where are they now? / Que sont-ils devenus?
Moppets: 1965-1967M; Ariel: 1967-1970*; The Deadly Nightshades: 1972-1977, 2008-present /présent.
M*Beverly Rodgers: Guitar / Guitare  
M Phyllis Hess: Organ / Orgue 
M Alisa Damon: Bass / Basse  
 M Kathie Ross: Drums / Batterie        
*Gretchen Pfeifer (Lucchesi): Keyboards / Claviers      
Note – Moppets released a 7`` single in 1966 on Spirit Records / Remarque – Moppets ont sortie un 45 tour en 1966 sur Spirit Records: 
A side The Supremes "Come See about Me"  
B side: The Beau Brummels, "Cry just a Little".    

Left to right/   De gauche à droite: Kathie Ross, Lisa Damon, Beverly Rodgers, Pam Brandt, and / et Gretchen Pfeiffer

(a pioneering ALL FEMALE band based in New England – multi-musical genre)  
(un pionnier des groups TOUT FÉMININ basé en Nouvelle Angleterre – musiques de tous genres):
1975 The Deadly Nightshades
1976 F&W (Funky & Western)   
 2012 Never Never Gonna Stop 

A)     Helen Hooke * Born / Né Rochester N.Y.

  Violin, Fiddle, Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals / Violon, Fiddle, Guitare, Claviers, Chant

Currently holds the position of Director of Fiscal Operations for Solar 1 (New York City’s Green Energy, Arts and Education Center). She has over 20 years of experience in this field.  
 Occupe actuellement le poste de Directeur des Opérations Financières pour Solar 1 (le Centre de l’Énergie Verte, Arts et Éducation de la ville de New York). Elle a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans ce domaine. 
Under her own name / Sous son propre nom:
1988  Verse-Ability  
1992  Body's a Rocket 
1998  Patterns of the Heart 
1999   Romancing the Soul 
*Led the Femmes Party Band in 1999 for the 30th anniversary reunion for the Class of 69 from Smith College of Northampton Massachusetts. Other members included
A menée The Femmes Party Band en 1999 pour de la 30e réunion de la 30e anniversaire pour la classe de 69 du Smith College de Northampton Massachussetts. Autres membres y compris: 
Collette Clayton – guitar / guitare 

Rosemary Gaffney - vocals, synthesizer / chants, synthétiseur
  Linda Geiger – drums, percussion / batteries, percussions  

  1. Davidson                Dianne                    “1988   Breaking All the Rules!” 
  2. Hamblin                  Doug                       “2000   Doug Hamblin/Jane Fanucci” 
  3.  McComb               Carol                        “1989   Tears into Laughter “  
  4. Patrick                   John ‘J.P.’                         “present” 
  5. Perry                       Roxy                     “2005 Back in Bluesville”, “2008   In My Sweet Time”,        
Colleen McDonough - vocals, percussion / chants / percussions; a.k.a. / aussi connu comme Kelly Mac                       
Declassified Band 
 Dori(s) Rhodes - bass, vocals / basse, chants  

Stevens                Doug                        “1995 When Love is Right” *  
Appears with / Apparait avec: 
Artist                                                 Artist       Year Album    
  1.   Anderson                              Jamie        “1994 A Family of Friends: Women's Music Sampler ``,   
  2.   Atlas                                       Nancy       ``2005 Matador ``, 
  3.   Ball                                         Otis            “1990 I'm Gonna Love You Til I Don't ``,    
  4.  Blondie                                                      ``1998 The Original Beat Club Underground Sex Goddess Icon Freaks``, “1999 No Exit"
  5.  deRoy                                    Jamie             2001 Child in Me, Vol. 1"
  6.  Farley                                    Mary Ann    “1997 Daddy's Little Girl ``,   
  7.  Langheld                               Gretchen                House Afire Calling You"
  8. Mastro                                    James            ``1987 Strange Cave``,  
  9.  Okra All-Stars                                                "?"  
  10. Simopoulos                            Nana                “1994 Gaia's Dream ``, 
  11. Valentine Smith                                                “1994 Back on Earth (EP)``,    
  12. Tellus V/A                                                            “1986 Tellus Dance”,  

B)     Pamela Robin Brandt m *

 Bass, Vocals / Basse, Chant  
Year / Année                               Bibliography / Bibliographie:  
1997                                              The Girls Next Door: Into the Heart of Lesbian America (co-authored with /écrit en collaboration avec Lindsy Van Gelder)  
1990                                               Becoming the Butlers   
                                                        Are You Two...Together (lesbian-gay oriented travel essays)    
Freelance writer / Écrivain indépendante   
Artist (First)                                                Last                                  Year   Album            
  1. Cactus Rose                                                                             “?” 
  2. Callen                                             Michael                          “1996 Legacy”, “1988 Purple Heart”,  
  3. Cleary                                             Jan                                    “1997 Janthology”
  4. King Vito and da Bronx Cowboys                                         “Mid 1980s”   
  5. Lowlife                                                                                      “1982-86”  

C)  Anne Bowen *

Guitar, Percussion, Vocals, Producer / Guitare, Percussion, Chant, Producteur  
Artist (first)                                          Last                         Year        Album     
  1. Callen                                         Michael                 “1988 Purple Heart”, 
  2. Lowlife                                                                       “1982-86”