[May 04 Mai 2016: Modified / Modifié Gus Anyia, Arsenaulr & Asphalt]
A compiling of all artists / groups who have recorded or credited using
Une compilation de tous les artistes /
groupes qui ont enregistré ou
crédités en utilisant Gus.
Recorded or credited as Gus. Real name is known (as first name) - part 1(A's):
Enregistré ou crédité comme Gus. Le nom réel est connu (comme prenom) -
Premiere partie (les A):
John Tchicai “2006 Witches Scream”
Adal (Bass / Basse)
Kingdom Beat Records V/A
“2000 Authentic Sounds Vol. 1”
Adams (Bass / Basse)
Jamison Chris “2007 Sky Below
Watson Kellin “2003 Paper Bird”
‘Bidzane’ Adendorff (1922-1982 South Africa /
Afrique du Sud; Field Recordings / Enregistrements de Champ)
Reucassel Dick “???? Nature's
Melody; Superb Stereo Recordings of 53 Birds of Africa”, “???? Calls of the
E) … (or/ou) Angus Agars (Born / Né 1983 Australia / Australie; Drums, Percussion, Vocals / Batterie, Percussion, Chants)
7/10 Split “2000-2003”, “2003 The Coin Slot Comp. Volume 1”
Chromenips “2009-present”
Gin Club, The “2003-present”, “2004 The Gin Club”, “2005 Fear of the Sea”, “2007 Hissy Fit Vol. 1”“2008 Junk”, “2010 Deathwish”, “2011 Hissy Fit Vol. 2”, “2013 10th Anniversary”, “2014 … Live”, “2014 Southern Lights”,
Noga Mike “2006”
Perkins Tex “2008 No. 1’s & No. 2’s”, “2011 … & the Dark Horses”, “2013 The Ape”
Rogers Tim “2012”
Salter Ben “2011 The Cat”
Thomas Mick “2012 A DVD and a New Tattoo” (7”), “2013 Vandemonian Lags”
Vandas, The “2003-2008”, “2003 The Vandas” (single), “2005 Didn’t Come Here to be Alone” (EP), “2006 Silence” (single), “2006 In the Morning” (EP), “2008 Slow Burn”,
F) Agostinelli
Variations: Mike Agostinelli, Michael "Gus" Agostnelli, Michael ‘Gus’ Agostnnnelli, Mike ‘Gus’ Agostinelli, Mike 'Gus' Agostinalli, Mike Augustinelli
1) Producer, Engineer, Mix / Producteur, Ingénieur, Mixage :
Appice Carmine “2014 …’s Guitar Heroes”
Diesel Motor V/A “2002 I Only Wrote this Song for You: A Tribute to Johnny Thunders”
Eleventeen “1996 Eleventeen” (EP)
Everclear “1995 Live on the Radio” (7”), “1995 Heartspark Dollarsign”
Kramer Wayne “1996 Dangerous Madness”, “2004 More Dangerous Madness”
Sony Music Distribution V/A “1995 Spirit of ’73: Rock for Choice”
Waldman Willie “2002 Trumpet Ride”
Walt Mink “1993 Bareback Ride”
2) Bass / Basse:
Dahmer Jeffrey “1996 Jeffrey Dahmer Bar-B-Q”
G) Águila (Composer / Compositeur)
Tracks / Pistes:
Bonita Guadalajara (1942)
El Mambo Llego a Espana
Capulina “2011 Las Canciones de Gaspar Henaine"
Negrete Jorge "1992 Vol. 1", “1994 20 Exitos En Vivo", “1997 60 Anos de
Musica, Vol. 1: Canta a Jalisco",
“1998 Sus Mejores Rancheras Y Corridos", “2000 30 Grandes Exitos",
“2000 En Vivo! Vol 1 Con el Trio Los Calaveras en la Habana Cuba", “2003 Mano a Mano Ranchero"
H) Aguirre Jr. (Pennsylvania, United States / Pennsylvanie, États-Unis);
Guitar, Bass, Vocals / Guitare, Basse, Chants
Aguirre Brothers “????”
Amona “2001 Put on a Brave Face”
At the Forefront “2012”
Redeye of Jupiter “2009-present”, “2012 Redeye” (EP)
Texture Groove “????”
I) Aiken (Trumpet / Trompette)
Born Augustine Aiken, 1902 in Charleston, South Carolina / died 1973 in New York City
Né Augustine Aiken, 1902 à Charleston, Caroline du Sud/ mort 1973 à New York City
Separate entry to come / Entrée séparée à venir
J) Albert (Real name / Nom réel: Gustavo Alberto);
Electronic, DJ, Producer / DJ, Producteur
his own name / Sous son propre nom: (all single tracks
/ toutes les pistes simples)
2014 El Verano
2014 The
2014 Believe
2015 Hurry
Compilation / Compilation:
Electroni-K V/A “2014 Memorial Sounds, Vol. 1“, “2014 Patriotic Sounds, Vol. 1“, “2015 Summer Beats, Vol. 1“, “2015 Emotions“,
“2016 Miami Breeze / Miami Music Week 2016”
Promo Only V/A "2014
Rhythm Club: June 14”
K) Andrews (Trumpet, Horns, Arranger, Musical Director / Trompette, Cor, Arrangeur, Directeur Musical)
Havana 3 A.M. “1991 Havana 3 A.M.”
Itchy Fingers "1987 Quark"
Mariachi Azteca “1995 The Best of …”
Mijares “2007 Swing en Tu Idioma4”
Pla Roberto “1996 Right on Time”
Quinaimes Band, The “1971 The Quinaimes Band”
Trio Azteca “1997 Fiesta Mexicana: Mariachi & Folksongs”, “2006 Viva Mexico”, “2010 The Best of Mexico”, “2011 Mexico: 20 Best Mariachi & Folk Songs”,
L) Anton (born / né 1938 in / en Germany / Allemagne as / comme Gustav Anton)
Composer, Conductor, Arranger, Publisher/ Compositeur, Chef d’Orchestre, Arrangeur,
Under his own name / Sous son proper nom:
1970 Glory Hallelujah
1978 Franz Schubert - Das Männerchor-Lied (Sonderausgabe Zum Gedenken An Den 150. Todestag)
1991 Franz Schubert: An den Frühling
1991 Franz Schubert: Gesang der Geister über den Wassern
1994 Hodie Christus Natus Est
1995 St. Hubertus-Messe: Songs for Male Chorus
2005 Hubertusmesse
2005 Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin
2005 Franz Schubert: Die Lieder für Männerstimmen
???? Up and Away - Jet Hits
With others /
Avec d’autres:Aral Chor Bochum “???? Gern Gesungen - Gern Gehört”
Delta Music V/A “1993 Weihnachtsträume - Ein Bunter Melodienreigen Zum Fest”
Der Innenminister Des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen V/A “1981 Die Polizei Singt Und Spielt Für Sie”
Elite Special V/A “2008 Die Schönsten Chöre der Welt”,
Etzel Roy “1967 Alle Tage Ist Kein Sonntag / Melody of Man” (7”)
Readers Digest “1989
Gute Laune Mit Musik (Die 120 Schönsten
Song Digital V/A “1994
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nachte” Song Digital V/A “2010 Weihnachten: Ich Bete An Die Macht Der Liebe”,
Sylter Shanty-Chor “1992 Seemannsgarn”,
Welp Walter “???? Lieder Der Völker (Volksweisen Aus Aller Welt)”
M) Agustus ‘…’ Anyia (Nigeria / Nigéria);
Guitar, Bass, Percusion, Vocals, Producer / Guitare, Basse, Percussion,
Chants, Producteur
Congo Records V/A “2013
Congo Beginnings Vol. 1”
“1978 Zimbabwe / Visions of War” (7”), “1979 Babylon” (7”), “1981 Rally Rally Round”,
“1983 Azania”
“1980 Ajomasé”
Jah Lion
“1983 Praise Jah”
Pauline of Brown Sugar “1980 Me and my
Dread” (7”), “1980 Me and my Dread” (12”), [ Different track on side B / Piste
différent sur la
face B – “Dub Wise” (Isis) vs “Revelation Side” (Rough Lion)],
Sounds of the Trade Wind “1995 Harmattan”
Strut V/A “2001 Nigeria 70 – The
Definitive Story of 1970’s Funky Lagos”
Joe “1983 Reggae
Vibration II (My Reggae Music)”
N) Arancibia (Born 1989 in Argentina / Né 1989 en Argentine)
Credits : Electronic, Producer, DJ / Crédits : Électronique, Producteur, DJ)

2013 Looking Forward
2013 Mind Contrast
2013 Sirens
2013 Don Groove
2013 Illusion
2013 Tripping 009 Special Edition (LP)
2014 Deja Vu
Compilation / Compilation:
Happy Hour Records V/A “2013 Golden Collection Vol 2”
Loving Records V/A "2013 Deep Sensation Vol. 2”
Play This! Records V/A “2014 Metropolitan House:Rio de Janeiro”
Purple Sun Records V/A “2014 Best of 2013”
O) Arnheim (Band Leader, Composer / Chef d’Orchestre, Compositeur)

Born 1897 in Philadelphia, died 1955 in Beverly Hills
Né 1897 à Philadelphie, mort 1955 à Beverly Hills
Separate entry to come / Entrée séparée à venir
P) Arsenault (New Brunswick, Canada / Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada; Guitar, Vocals / Guitare, Chants)
Amazing Catfish, The “2002 Gravity”
Chickenface Records V/A "2003 (506): A Compilation of New Brunswick Bands”
Glower “????”
Tormented “1990-92”
Q) Asphalt (Scotland / Écosse; Saxophone / Saxophone )
Ferdinand Franz "2013 Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action”
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